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Late Bloomer Survival Guide:
Nerd Edition

Answers from TikTok to keep your nerdy conversations going!​


I saw one video on here of a girl who asked guys on dating apps: “If you were a dragon, what would you hoard?” & she would judge based on their answer. The video was hilarious, and the question really worked to see some glaring red flags and judge their sense of humor.


If they like DC and they are fans of the Joker over anyone else. X_X Good character, but taking life ideals from it? HELL NO.


Late bloomer here too. My now-husband walked into a room of people and made a LOTR reference. I was the only one who got it. He responded, “Marry Me.”


I always ask about what superhero they would be and why. It reveals a lot.


Quidditch positions & house. Would they rather be a fairy/elf or hobbit (hint more meals). If Pac was still alive would he be a bigger artist or actor.


Mine is “Were you a Pokemon kid or a Digimon kid?”


If you are into DnD, ask them how they feel about combat wheelchairs or disability representation in general. It will reveal a LOT of red flags.


1. What are the favorite 5 books they have ever read and why. What are the last 3 books they read?
2. Ask them what they could give a 30-60 min presentation on, with no prep, that Is not job related. Tells you what their passions are.

One I’ve been debating adding to mine is asking them their favorite book. Fboys will reveal themselves.

Mine would be in the Avatar the Last Airbender fandom – what are their thoughts on Azula? If they’re completely negative, I’m leaving.


1. Ask simply if they think Rey was a good main character in the recent trilogy. Where you think so or not, this prompt will get them to reveal a lot.
2. If you like Loki more than Thor and think he’s more attractive, tell him and se how he reacts.
3. Ask how they feel about J.K. Rowling. Ask how they feel about Captain Marvel, a huge quantity of men actively dislike if not “hate” her. #redflag


What fictional character would you beat in fight?


Why is it acceptable to add dragons and magic into fantasy, but not lgbtq+ acceptance and feminism, because it’s not historically accurate?


For me it would be Team Cap vs Team Ironman.


Fav Trek


I try to talk about Aaron Sorkin because if I can talk nerdy “smart” tv it usually means we can hold a longer conversation.


What do they think makes a good Batman film?


Who is your favorite Zelda boss?


Do you think the Arwen character should have been added to the Lord of the Rings movie? Because she virtually has no role in the books.


What one male celebrity (or nerd character) would you let bone you? Even their initial reaction tells me so much about who they are.


Going to start asking guys how they think Game of Thrones should have ended, because it is SUCH a common response to the “I’m still not over it” prompt.



Which female Ghostbuster is your favorite?


My girlfriend told me how she loved writing fanfiction on our first date. Also, she’s in love with Lord of the Rings and she has had me watch them with her. I was not into those things, but I loved how open she was about her geeky interests.


I asked a guy what his favorite cosplay he’s done was. He said Joker. #redflag


Favorite doctor from Doctor Who? Fav Harry Potter Character? What’s your fav NFT project and/or crypto coin?


Ask who are the top 5 most powerful Marvel superheroes. If they can only name white male superheroes?


If they make you feel dumb about being nerdy, biggest red flag.


Ask they about their favourite Doctor.


Just their fav movie tells a lot about them. And if they haven’t seen LotR, then it’s a big red flag.


“Would you rather live in the Star Wars or Star Trek universe?” Out to weed out the dumbasses.


If they’re nerdy, as them what they think of Inara Serra from Firefly. If they can’t see her complexities, #redflag. Or Vanessa Carlysle, Deadpool’s



My dating profile says no Zack Snyder fans. The Snyder thing is a deal breaker for me.


Ask them about how they felt about the Hunger Games. Ask about how they felt about the 2nd capitol bomb. Or how they feel about Peeta and Gale and the different between these two characters.


What is your favorite Star Trek series and why? DS9 would be my answer, although Lower Decks is pretty great, too.



Octavia Butler—and go!


1. Who is their least favorite Doctor Who companion and why?
2. How hard did you cry for the Van Gogh episode?


Doctor Who – ask what they think of the last few seasons. If they bitch about the Doctor being a woman or black…


Who is the real hero of Lord of the Rings, and why it is Sam.


1. How do they feel about Snape? Dumbledore?
2. Next Gen vs DS9?


Book vs movie adaptations!


What fictional character in any fandom universe would they want to be friends with and why?


There is always the classic Star Wars vs Star Trek.


Do you know your Hogwarts house? Patronus? Wand type? Do you even Potter bro?


Thoughts on the new Elvis movie!
Ask about their favorite sci-fi books. If the answer is Dune, question further. If the answer is Brian Herbert’s Dune universe books, block them.


How do you feel about the erasure of Tom Bambadil from the LOTR films?


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