My Writing
I've been perpetually inspired by the extraordinary details of ordinary life: so I tend to write magical realism or realistic fiction as a result. Scroll down below to check out my current projects and previously published pieces (say that five times fast!).
Sisters, Salt, and Dragons is my first novel currently being submitted to literary agents for representation. Look out for updates on my publication journey, preview chapters, and more coming soon! Click HERE to learn more.
"Notes on Surviving a Broken Heart"
Is short non-fiction piece on the emotional repercussions of falling in love for the first time. Published by the Sonder Review. Click HERE to read.
Is a short fiction piece about college aged Kimmy struggling with what to do next with her life as her younger sister's music career flourishes ... and leaves her behind. Published by The Summerset Review. Click HERE to read it.
A Hopeful World: Conversations with a Five Year Old
Is a self-published collection of quotes from my youngest sister, Hope, when she was five years old. Growing up as the youngest of ten: Hope has always had a lot of opinions about, well, everything. Check out the first few pages on Amazon.